恭喜发财。 Getting married soon :þ
I had a very few family members’ reunion dinner this year; it’s great, anyway. (yummy… I love Chinese cuisine, especially my mommy’s recipe).
Serious, I’m a pure Chinese, I can count, I don’t have colour-blind, but I don’t know how to play all the gambling games (Mahjong, still learning, since 3 years ago), poker games lagi…(today play, tmrw forget), my brain jst simply dull for all sort of gambling games.
Thus, on every Chinese New Year days, I more enjoy eating CNY goodies rather than collecting $ (ang-pow & gambling). I suppose I have to fully indulge in CNY holiday mood & CNY goodies this whole week. Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! + Eat! Eat! Eat! (unproductive, but relaxing, once in a year, ok la).
Bebe, I’m sorry to hear that... I knw this is the most distressful, and yet the most memorable CNY to you, take a good care of urslf & ur family, can’t wait to see you again. I miss you.
Last but not least, 老套啲,祝大家,犬年: