“踩屎”! [cai-si]
In Cantonese,
踩屎 =(verb); stepping on shit
“踩屎” =(adjective); 当黑。 Bad luck; meaning that one is in ‘deep shit’, be confronted with some unsolved problems.
1) The Image Analyzer System does not attach with < 4 X magnified objective. I need a 2-2.5X obj. hai… Sales person can’t help much if we do not offer enough $. The only method is using light microscope & do the measurement manually.
gonna have sore eyes… change a new spec… spend more time in lab… being isolate…
2) Bubbles trapped in more than 500 slides that I prepared few mths ago. Thr’s no bubble when I kept it in slide box, but then, after sometimes… I knw what’s the reason now, after supervised by Prof. 做错都未必係件坏事,从头来过的确获益更多 (no pain; no gain)。 It’s my fault, can’t blame on anyone, though. 人谁无错? Prof.都安慰我, 唔通唔原谅自己咩? 有办法解决嘅,就唔再係问题。