Literature Review+MSN
Do u knw wat is literature review? Any idea on how one can review without literature.
Can’t proceed lab work, somebody spoiled the expensive Image Analyser. Why is it my turn?
The Leica salesman on leave till nexwk, why now? why is him? why Leica? Anyone else can help me fix it? My lab-asst called him Deric. If he’s a leng-jai, then, I’ll forgive him.
Bck home, I was chatted whole noon. Here were some quotes:
- Sharon said: ‘It’s hard when thing is beyond ur control.’ (I agree).
- Chen shared voice clip with me. Sound funny.
- Bebe lau-gei.
- Soh jst backed from India, said: ‘U won't knw how fortunate u’r, til u go to India.’ Might be true, but, I’m suffering now, Soh...
- Sacha said: ‘working aboard is good, as long as u dun ever mention abt die.’
- JN was looking for some1 to repair her notebook.
- Stanley told me a predicted news.(good/bad? only he could tell)
- PV, hilariously discussed abt beautifying our appearance & body shape. 「美白」、「瘦身」、「纖體」、「健美」、「保養」, a never-ending story. I want to hear, I want to knw. I want to work it out. I want to become prettier.