
Monday, November 28, 2005

long lost days...

2 mths, since the last update to this blog.

Nothing much changes, but additional sources keep ruining my basic lifestyle. One of my Christian friends told me; ppl alwz say, having a religion meaning that, one has to commit to ‘god’ for life; to the contrary... is the opposite (I couldn’t get her).

How far does it true? I’m stl a freethinker, no idea… (She knows me well, so do I, guess I’m avoiding instead of accepting the truth.)

My best friend gives me two pairs of angel’s wings earrings for my 25th birthday. I love it. Anyhow, angels on my ears are still far to reach my heart. I have a devil’s heart. I've been living in this world for a quarter of a century; never feel so lose of oneself, myself.

I try to keep things fairly normal and stable on this study period. Nevertheless, WHO can resist from temptation? Especially when you’ve found a unique in a zillion.
Have you ever try on a dress, which does not match ur size? What would u do?

  • Buy it? (wear it to satisfy urslf only whn u r standing in front of ur mirror?) or
  • Tryin to forget it, ignore, leave it? (but, keep thinking of it. wondering, have any1 bought it?)
    To me, for sure I’ll buy it if I can afford. I want to possess the entire things I like (not many, if you get to know me well, I’m choosy in picking my favourite, if u’re that special one, u’re lucky enough to have a ‘master’ like me, I’ll appreciate what I’ve (‘d) owned, for life).

Will quarantine myself for a month; back to the usual routine, achieve my ultimate goal.

  1. study-career---
  2. Health
  3. DO NOT simply lose temper (can you help me to cure this bad habit?)

    How many of you can clearly understand all these crap? Are you the only one? Or one of the brilliant cells in my mind? Thanks for spending time understand my feelings.


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