
Monday, June 05, 2006

為乜? ------ expiration

The story is all about DEADLINE! Everything is up to an expired day… soon… one day…
The given fund is going to expire (1 year duration), both of my supervisors will stop supervising me (retire), my beauty-age is going to expire (senior adult lor...), my properties gonna expire too.

A day should consist of more than 24 hours. The office should open at least 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Why do ppl start working at 8:30a.m? why not 6:30a.m? why is the ‘should-be-on-duty’ working staff always on leave? sien
Can anyone please do something to extend the working hours? I need your cooperation, com’on…
nvr drag my work, but I’m so running out of time, chasing & rushing! Ever since early of this year, I work 9-10hr a day (30min lunch) (70%standing), 5.5 days a week (in lab.), exclusive of homework, paperwork& reading. I am incentive enough to get myself going on this journey.
I substantialise my life, but impoverish my purse.


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