
Thursday, August 02, 2007

真係沒人要咩? 5 out of 7 bet I would be the last!

Kim is going to be Mrs. Chow soon.
to both
Edmund and Kimmi.

I couldn’t recall where’s the idea came from, it’s a friendship game.

We did this with such candid honesty. It happened 9 years ago, when we’re 16(17) year-old. We had to figure out one’s own marriageable age and the ranking of “who will get married first?”
The rule is virtually as simple as other gambling games, if you are wrong; loss, then you should pay for it. On the contrary, the winner(s) takes it all.
Initially, we set it as RM50/ wedding. However, few years back, we realised the fact of dropping value of RM currency, everyone agreed with the 100% increment of fine/reward. If no one gets it right, we either accumulate the fine to next round (next wedding) or buy a RM700 present for the bride & groom.
We play this game since we’re a teenage girl, and it should end when the entire official members of 517-girls has becomes married women.
I love you, “女人”.


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