
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Amazing 1st month of 2007

Two weeks ago, my sis called me up at noon.
Sis:do you have any friend call boonchin? A stranger comes to me & asks whether I’m your sis. Quite tall.
Me:yao ah… we lost contact many years already
Sis:ya. That’s what she told me. She asked for your no., I didn’t give, I took hers, you quickly write it down.
Me:ok---ok. (but then, it’s a house phone no.,& my sis only manage to memorise 7digit.) huh? Only 7 digit? How to dial?
Sis: I dun know. That’s all I can remember, you go & try an error. She’s waiting for your call.

Gosh……It’s really unbelievable that boonchin can recognize my sis among all the shoppers in Sg. Wang, she doesn’t know her, I never show my sis' pic to her either. Everything’s like so dramatic, but it happened.

Then, I started to fill in the given no. with 0-9. After 11 tries, there’s really a ‘boonchin’ at that fix line residence, but the person was away. Finally,……….

Today, we dine & chit chatting at Bakerzin, 1U. After 9 years, she becomes an Aussie now, freer than any Malaysian in town does. Recall back our sweet memories in primary school & the tuition-centre-days. When we’re ‘small friends’, we bussing, now, we driving:) It’s true. We even rode our much owned ‘no.11’ bus from primary school to Popular bookstore in Petaling Street.
To her, I look older, but never grow taller, just like the small girl bullied by her in standard 6:/

It’s a miracle to see you again in KL. Nice to meet your Bobby too. As I promise, I’ll pay you a visit at Melbourne in one-year time, I’ll wait for your arrival on my wedding day (don’t know when?).
You’re always like the standard 6 xiao-xue-tong-xue that I knw. You’re always the dai-gah-jie, who take care of me.

erm……a bit corny,….YOU’re MY FOREVER FRIEND.
Live life with hope, surprise may happen anytime.


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