
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Red Shoe

Rockin’ Reptile Vs. Giselle Black

Which one is the original/imitation?
I bought the Giselle Black during Robinsons sales in Nov’ 2007… Did I make the right decision? I spotted it when I first visited Robinsons 3 months ago, loved it at first sight, bebe said it was too expensive (not formal wear; not leather; not high heel), not worth to buy a pair of trendy shoe at this price just to wear it at leisure, and thus, I waited…thinking about it night and day. After one week, I got it at 30% off.
This day, I saw this Rockin’ Reptile red shoe at Parkson’s display window, what a shock! EXACTLY the SAME, OMG!


  • i thnk the right one is nicer.. as the color more attractive than the left one. Anyway, the quality might be different although they are same design.... may be it is an imitation may be both also imitations =P.. (i said may be only).. may be.. it's only o岩o岩撞倒剛剛 !
    but dun bother so much .. as long as u like it.. and you feel comfortable to wear on it. and .. you look nice on it ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 23, 2008 1:10 pm  

  • hey, you're here!
    Welcome babe!

    ya-ya...agree..could be both...haha..

    (the one on left was dull; captured by using phn-cam)

    無謂分真假。。。真真假假還是最愛它 :P

    By Blogger phyllis - bobo, at January 27, 2008 3:23 pm  

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